
:) Finally had some time! Next week should be fun... we're heading into some messianic prophecies... :)

Happy studying!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Romans Chapter 5

vs. 1-5- Tests and Trials

- Be Happy!
- Because of Christ we have been made right in God's sight by faith. We are at peace with God because of Christ's sacrifice.
- We stand in grace because of Christ. Were it not for Him, we would have no right to stand before God.
- We can have confidence in looking forward to the hope we have of spending eternity in His presence.
- Because we know He works all things together for good, (Romans 8:28) we can trust that even in the bad times God has a plan and He knows what he's doing.
- footnote: “We rejoice in suffering, not because we like pain or deny its tragedy, but because we know God is using life's difficulties and Satan's attacks to build our character. The problems we run into will develop our perseverance—which in turn will strengthen our character, deepen our trust in God, and give us greater confidence about the future. You probably find your patience tested in some way every day. Thank God for those opportunities to grow, and deal with them in his strength.
- How do we know God will never leave us? Because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love.

- Hebrews 13:5-8
- James 1:2-4
- I Peter 1:6-10
- John 14:16-20, 26-28
- I Samuel 30:1-6
- Romans 8:26-39
- Luke 22:28-34
- Peter in the above verse swears he will never
deny Christ, that he is ready to die for Him. He is
on a spiritual mountain top. Ready for anything
and everything. Invincible. And just a few hours
later, he is back in the valley's darkness. He has
denied his savior and Christ has looked into his
eyes and seen his weakness. But even in this
time of desperation and loss, Peter survived.
Why? Because Christ Himself had interceded for
him. Christ Himself had prayed for Peter that his
faith would not fail and that he would not only
himself be strengthened in Christ but that he
would be strong enough to return and strengthen
the other disciples as well. So, even in our darkest
hour, remember that Christ is our intercessor. He
Himself prays for you to be strengthened. He
Himself prays for your faith to be strengthened,
and how can you be strengthened without

- Is there something going on in your life right now that seems like a brick wall? Does it seem like trials have been coming at you non-stop lately?
- David encouraged himself in the Lord. That was where his strength lay. How can you encourage yourself in God when things get rough?

vs. 6-8- Undeserved Grace

- Christ gave up His life for us while we were still sinners.
- Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Almighty God, left His home in Heaven, just to be tortured and humiliated by the very people He came to save.
- Think of someone you love deeply. Now, would you die for them? Would you lay your life on the line for them just so they could live a more abundant life in the long run? Who in your life is worth dying for?
- Christ, died for you. He laid down His life, so you could live life abundantly when you didn't deserve it. When you were still a sinner, when you were worthless, He died for you anyway.
- What will you do with Jesus today?

- John 3:16-21
- Psalm 103
- Lamentations 3:19-25
- John 15:12-17
- Ephesians 3:8-21
- I John 4:7-14

vs. 9-11- Friends of God

- footnote- “God is holy, and He will not be associated with sin. All people are sinful and so they are separated from God. In addition, all sin deserves punishment. Instead of punishing us with the death we deserve, however, Christ took our sins upon Himself and took our punishment by dying on the cross. Now we can rejoice in God. Through faith in Christ's work, we become close to God rather than being enemies and outcasts.”

- Hebrews 9:11-15, 10
- II Corinthians 5:16-21
- Colossians 1: 19-22

vs. 12-17- Adam's descendants

- Because Adam, the father of all men, sinned, we as descendants of Adam are born into sin.
- People were sinners from the beginning even before the law exposed their sin.
- God knew Adam was going to sin. Before the earth was even put into motion, God had a plan. Christ was the planned sacrificial lamb even before God started creating the earth. There was a salvation plan in motion even before there was sin.
- Adam brought sin into the world. Christ brings redemption from sin. Adam brought death into the world. Christ brings life everlasting.
- As great as sin is in the life of humanity, God's grace and righteousness, are SO much greater. We have victory through Christ. Victory over sin and death alike. We have overcome them through Christ. Live like it!

- Ephesians 2:14-19
- Psalm 51
- Colossians 2:9-15
- Romans 9:14-23

- Your sins have been forgiven. Do you believe it? Are you excited? Are you ready to shout it from the rooftops?
- We have the victory over sin and death. This does not mean that trials won't come. The main thing to remember is we have a choice to allow our trials and persecutions to make us bitter or better. Are you allowing God his perfect work in your heart today?

- vs. 18-21- Grace abounds

- One act of sin brought condemnation into the world, and one act of righteousness brought a right relationship with God and new life into the world.
- Because Adam disobeyed God, we all have been made sinners. But because Christ obeyed God, we are all made righteous.
- The law was given so that we could see how sinful we are. It points out our unrighteousness.
- But in Christ, God's grace abounds.
- Just as sin ruled over all people and brings death to all, now God's grace rules in its place giving us right standing with God and providing eternal life for us through Jesus Christ.

- Galatians 2:15-21
- Ephesians 2:1-10
- Titus 3:4-8

- Are you right with God? Have you accepted the gift of Christ's sacrifice for you?
- If not, why not? What holds you back from surrender? What binds you to sin? What keeps you locked away from freedom in Christ?
- If you know you have sinned (as all have sinned and come short of the glory of God- Romans 3:23), then why not ask for release? Do you want to feel free today? Do you want to live life without fear?
- If you have accepted this gift, what have you done with it? Have you shared the gift? Have you told those around you about Christ?
- Does your life reflect the joy of your salvation?

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